Wednesday, 12 April 2017


With the flurry of activity towards the end of last week making things, like those above, to take to the Seagrass Gallery, and working on my covered buttons (see Monday's post), I've not had much chance to work on anything else. 

These are the items currently on the top of my wip pile (it's not too big, honestly!):

This one is new - a house made from a scrap of linen, along with a lace roof and fabric scrap door, all on some vintage linen being made into a little picture. 

You've seen this one before, another collage/picture. The Jessie Chorley bird will be added onto it once the I've finished stitching it. There's still quite a few pieces to be appliqued and stitched onto this, so it's nowhere near finished.

This white piece is further on than the one above. Something needs to added to the patch on the top left, but I'm undecided whether the rest needs anything more. I think I need to decide what it's going to be before I can decide. I'm deciding between a pillow top or a pouch. We shall see.

I'll be back on Friday.


* Wip - work in progress.

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