Sunday, 25 August 2013

More things started than finished, and a pirate ship!

This week has been more about starting rather than finishing. 

I have finally finished the ring pillow I mentioned last week (there'll be more about that next week so the picture above is just a little peek at it) and the free gift that came with the latest Mollie Makes (issue 31).

This was a sausage dog designed by Jane Foster. It's the first time I've made one of their free gifts, but as this one was so easy it only took minutes. I do like the free gifts that come with the magazine, but I've not wanted to make something that looks the same as everyone else's. So I use the bits and pieces for other projects and make the projects I want to with my own stuff. The sausage dog was so simple to make, plus the printed fabric couldn't really be used for anything else.

I've started:

- a new cover for my phone out of crazy patchwork.
- a felt Christmas decoration.

- more redwork.

- knitting some lacy trim (in preparation for another blog post).


I've printed more vintage christmas images onto fabric (via transfer sheets) and card  for more christmas decorations and cards.

Pulled bits and pieces together to make christmas decorations.

The items in the picture below are waiting to be finished off.

The pirate ship.

Today, I managed to walk to my Mum's (about 50 minutes worth of walking) for the first time in ages (hopefully I won't be too knackered tomorrow) and we did so along the prom along the River Mersey. We went that way because we wanted to see the latest addition to the foreshore, the pirate ship, Black Pearl. There's no sign of Johnny Depp and this ship isn't seaworthy.

It has (and still is) been built by a couple of local artists out of driftwood and the odd bit of recycled material. Unfortunately, the first incarnation was burnt to the ground by vandals, but the 'new' one has become a tourist attraction. Children love it, their Facebook page is full of pictures of mini pirates. 

You can just see the Liverpool waterfront in that back of this photo

Thank you for all of the lovely comments after last week's post, they were much appreciated.

I hope everyone has a great week.


P.S. Pop over to Handmade Monday to see what lot's of other makers have been up to.


  1. That pirate ship is brilliant! Could you let me know what transfer sheets you are using please? Yours have come out really well.

  2. Gosh you've been a busy crafty. (I love redwork) I have a habit of starting things that then get put aside for another crafty make. That pirate ship looks amazing.

  3. I can certainly emphasise with the starting lots of projects syndrome! that ship looks a great place to take my grandchildren!

  4. Sounds as if you have had a week of getting things ready so that over the next few weeks you will look super efficient when you finish them all off ;) Hope you have a fab week. xx

  5. wow, you've been busy! I'm impressed you've made so much progress with Christmassy things, i really must get my mind onto that soon... the transfer images look amazing, they will make gorgeous cards and decorations.

    Aww, the mollie makes sausage doggie is so cute! Definitely one worth making up :) x

  6. Ohhh I bet my friends husband would like the pirates ship.................he dresses up just like Johnny Depp and spookily looks like him to. Can't believe how busy you've been. Hope to see the finished items.

  7. Wow you have been very busy. I like the idea of transferring Christmas images onto fabric. Love the photos of the Black Pearl.

  8. You're so fast with sewing this doggie freebie! I only got my Mollie makes 2 days ago! I'm planning to stitch this one myself. It's super cute :)

    Could you please write some more about the transfer sheets and transfering images on fabric. I've been wondering how these things are done for a while.
    Love the vintage photos you've made.

  9. Looks like you've made a flying start on Christmas things - I'm always a bit late by the time I make my mind up what to do!
    The pirate ship looks loads of fun :)

  10. You have been very busy this week! I'm also guilty of starting loads of things but not always finishing them before I start the next thing! Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better this week too.

  11. My goodness you've been busy! I really like your christmas picture prints, thats really clever. I look forward to seeing all of the finished pieces x

  12. I love where this red work is going! I can sympathise as I am big on starting hundred of projects at once too. But this means our mind is overflowing with creativity and craftiness, which is very very good.

  13. Wow you've certainly been very busy. The pirate ship looks wonderful. I can just imagine how much fun children have with it.
    Ali x

  14. Hope you haven't overdone things following your walk. It is lovely though to get our in the fresh air once in a while.

    You've got a lot of lovely projects to keep you busy. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your redwork as I love what you do.

    The pirate ship is wonderful. Hopefully the mindless yobs will keep away this time.
