Monday 8 April 2019

The 100 days project - days 1 to 6

The 100 day project started on Instagram in 2013, but this is the first year that I decided to take part. If you'd like more information on the 100 day project pop over to their website.

For my 100 days project, I'm creating 3 inch squares of stitch. I'm keeping to the colours of white, pink and green as I may want to join them up into a quilt.

Day 1 - three Suffolk puffs ringed in running stitch.

Day 2 - a piece of bias binding, edged at the top with buttonhole lace and sequins. The bottom edge has chain stitch with dangling beads. At the bottom is a piece of gingham with cross-stitch.

Day 3 - patches of fabric with running stitch.

Day 4 - circles of fabric edged in blanket stitch.

Day 5 - a strip of lace idled in loops of head with sequins. The piece of gingham has french knots and seed beads on the top edge. The bottom edge has a variety of beads. Underneath is a row of sequins and seed beads.

I'll be back with the next 7 squares next week.


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